
June 25 ’24

Worry shaped word.

Word shaped world. 

Universe shaped verse.

Verse shaped unit.

Mammary shaped memory.

Memory shaped method.

Apple shaped pear.

Ape shaped people.

Utter ancient efficiency.

Never in error — always causal.

Sites in Use

Maxton O’Connor

A visual logic can never be absolute; it is more a style. A boss from bygone days once said to us, “If it looks like it makes sense, it makes sense.” This can hardly be true; nevertheless the appearence of order in design, is perhaps the most satisfying of techniques — just behold designer Maxton O’Connor’s gratifyingly meticulous structure.

Emma Panchot

Odious Rot

Lou Verro

Graphic Design

Francesca Grassi
Hezin O
Clara Gómez
Maxton O’Connor
Dhwani Garg


Visvaldas Morkevicius
Jacob Morin
Codrut Gaspar
Nicola and Manuel
Rose Murdoch
Bogdan Mrsa

& Design

Michael Madrid
Nico Fritzenschaft
Ernest Perera Studio
Pablo Genoux
Clara Valdes


Alex Foster
Diego Gil de Biedma
Alina Frieske
Massimiliano Rossetto
New Discretions
Edizione Multicolore


Scott Rossi
Diogo Bento
Antoine Seguin
Christoph Gorka
Maaike van Everdingen
Lina Viluma

Shops on Cargo

Painted Tank Top
Robida #9
Besides Press
Umbrella Floor Lamp
Movie of the Decade
Special Effects


An offering of pieces and projects
from around the web


Each week we consult both the Tarot and the I Ching.
To submit your own question,
send an email to oracle@cargo.site

The Emperor (reversed)
34. The Power of the Great
2. The Receptive

These first few lines are the general aphoristic returns for the week. They are raw and uninterpreted; there to use how you’d like. (The specific readings follow.)

  • Take sincere time to list the aspects of life that you love or find beautiful — not to deny the dark/horrible aspects, just to make the good clear.
  • Watch for selfishness/narcissism in the areas of which you are leader.
  • Leading is about the people only.
  • Outward force should never be greater than inner equilibrium.
  • Displaying power to persuade is a disastrous short term solution.
  • True power is rarely visible on the surface.
  • To properly use/orient the creative forces of this world one first must understand limitation and context.

* * *

From “M.S.”: We have a follow up question to last week. The answer, though sincerely appreciated, set us back on our heels a bit (please know, if we have any “standard ethics” one would be the deep appreciation of honestly attempted feedback). 

We live knowing were are different, and subsequently, have never thought of ourself as a paradigm for the world at large, but we hadn’t really, really considered/accepted that a belief in art and poeticism is actually/ultimately insignificant (and parallel) to how most people live, and will be living (both in their improvisational and premeditated lives). That is, your answer tapped into a deep feeling of personal, and cosmic, irrelevance. As well, it might be said that we have suicidal tendencies — on which such feelings of disconnect, feed. Any thoughts regarding how to deal with the unimportance of personal ontologies/outlooks, that is, having a feeling of general meaninglessness? Is suicide or not committing suicide the proper response to feelings of cosmic/social peripherality?

* * *

To some degree, most people harbor a logic that the world should conform to their own visions and desires — likely it is an issue of having hermetically sealed brains (absolutely private thoughts only translated, very roughly, through the proxy of language). The general tendency of humans to see the world in human terms is anthropomorphism; when an individual does it, it is called egomorphism.

When you are out of phase with dominant modes there will be much pain — as you know. And if you are truly different, that is, more than average, it will be compounded.

One cannot serve/lead two peoples. You must relent allegiance to the more powerful one. In this case it seems that your inner world is stronger/louder than the external one. Lead yourself. Strengthening a personally dignified inner world is better than bumbling over an endlessly novel, thus mystifying, external environment. 

As for suicide, please note that the oracle, of which you consult — comprised of both the tarot and the I Ching — are based on ideas of perpetual change. (The I Ching after all is called the Book of Changes.) Nothing stays the same — good or bad. Try this: every day, name a few of the things that you love (it would be good to include some aspects of self in there). Attempt not to tarnish the thoughts with counter thoughts and complications. Keep it simple. We’re not saying to ignore dark thoughts, but detailing shadows is a separate activity. There simply aren’t only rotten aspects to life.

* * *

Complete Reading

This week we pulled the Emperor (reversed). It is easily forgotten that the people are more important than the ruler. When upright, the card points to a leader’s main role, serving people through responsible, unselfish decision making — however, when reversed, as it is here, the implication is of a narcissistic leader, who ignores, or is deaf to, their role as a reliable, ethically-striving, overseer.

Our first hexagram this week is #34, The Power of the Great. A “truly great power does not degenerate into mere force but remains inwardly united with the fundamental principles of right and of justice...” We take this as being in accord with the larger situation — to be sure, this isn’t just regarding the world at large (like a society) but also in relation to our inner world. Some aspects of personality are geological and meta, highly individual qualities baked into our behavioral code (like traumas or significant youthful inculcations). One must try to really engage these inner global aspects or risk real danger.

There were a whopping four changes this week, of which the notes are: outward forces should never be considered more than inner equilibrium and displaying power, to persuade, is a disastrous short term solution and true power rarely is visible on the surface.

Our second hexagram, the one that suggests how best to meet the challenges (or the changes) is 2, The Receptive. The two chief, primordial themes of the I Ching are contained in the first two hexagrams: #1 The Creative and #2 The Receptive. The ordering is important; first comes the Creative — the élan vital — the emergent life forces of all origination. The second is (obviously) the Receptive — “action in conformity with the situation.” To properly use/orient the creative forces of this world one first must understand limitation and context. It is only here that one is “to find the right guidance.” “The superior person lets themself be guided; they do not go ahead blindly, but learn from the situation what is demanded of them and then follows this intimation from fate.” One does not shape the world, the world shapes us.