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June 04 ’24
The sun has no night,
nor eyelid.
And night is simply shadow.
And eyelids are shadow shaped —
like a portable night.
Close them now to sleep see.
One must live in a dream to get anything done.
Sites in Use
Photography intimates a whole because it’s always framed out of an actual whole — whether in the wild or in front of a cyc wall. This reality-base creates such weird tension with its typical subject: something like propaganda for intimated fantasies of living. It is a perpetually dynamic, fecund tension — a lovely fake real, as it is with photographer/stylist collective OSS (Our Special Support).
Graphic Design
& Design
Shops on Cargo
Herreros Top
Espíritu Club
Espíritu Club
Mega Press
Gaspar Iwaniura Lorge
Tent Editions
Denise Levertov, Everything that Acts Is Actual (1949)
Daido Moriyama at Luhring Augustine (2010)
Alexander Mackendrick, Sweet Smell of Success (1957)
Constantin Boym, Ultimate Art Furniture (2006)
Peter Fischli and David Weiss, The Right Way (1987)
28. Preponderance of the Great
These first few lines are the general aphoristic returns for the week. They are raw and uninterpreted; there to use how you’d like. (The specific readings follow.)
- Get your relation to your working life in right measure — whatever that means (less work, more work).
- Do not take half-measures as wholes; you must always struggle to find a basis which cannot be improved upon (go deeper).
- If an important aspect is in danger of collapse, take the time to fix it, even if it means closing shop for a while.
- Furthermore, something in your structure may be in serious crisis; address it or risk peril.
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From “M.S.”: Keeping in mind that the outside makes the inside, that is, context is everything (or, change does not occur in a vaccuum — though, falsely, this can be entertained in one’s mind) — what is some advice for changing behavior patterns in ourselves and in others?
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Recently due to a painful physical ailment we had been prescribed a serious pain medication. For the most part we have used it to sleep. In the beginning it was a godsend, really — but then we started to notice subtle changes in our energy during the day. Recently the changes have become more pronounced — we have more and less vitality from where we usually expect it. Perhaps stupidly, we made no connection to our pre-sleep taking of pills. But now we realize our error, we isolated “sleep” — taking it out of the unbroken continuum of life.
So yes, life is a holistic affair. Significant change takes significant consideration and significant time. All is pointing to starting the big (disruptive) step of taking the boat out of the water to diagnose issues and perform the requisite maintenance. Or... risk sinking? (And note, the taking on of water isn’t always fast or easily detectable.)
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Complete Reading
This week we pulled the Eight of Pentacles. This card centers around the subject of working, working as a center of life. Ultimately it intimates that whatever “work” is to your life, this is a time to get it right. If it is important to you that you lead in your occupation, take control. If work is killing you, try for serious adjustments. If you are not disciplined with your labor, find loving self control. Work is essential in large form to most all lives — the door this week is open to take it seriously.
Our first hexagram this week is #48, The Well. Here the implication, the metaphor, is that the need for a well (a deep, endless source of water) is the same for all people. That the respect/awareness for universal realities such as this, should be the basis for understanding how to work together and be an individual — we must go deep and not a partial way with anything: our education, our beliefs, etc. Another way, what if a society was ruled by a single person with a completely idiosyncratic understanding of things — it would be ruined through irrelevance.
There was one change this week of which the note is: we may have to shore up projects which grind things to a halt — if the maintenance, or improvements, are necessary for strength and safety — there is nothing else to be done.
Our second hexagram, the one that suggests how best to meet the challenges (or the changes) is #28, Preponderance of the Great. Here a warning: something is too heavy for its support. A change is necessary. It is advised that the transition happen swiftly — there is no time to deliberate (contemplative planning will lead to disaster).