
May 14 ’24

The circus used to come through town.

Every year we’d lose a few rough dreamers to the big top and carney stalls.

But now — everywhere’s a circus. 

* * *

An endless ratty tent; the new atmosphere. The din of half meant, overlapping “step right ups” and a general feeling of complicity with the ubiquity of broken animals and rigged games. 

* * *

But this is really unfair and actually untrue. A circus can’t be everywhere. A circus exists in difference and in a kind of defiance (not necessarily good or bad).  

* * *

So, all said for effect then? 

No, and kinda. Just wanted to create a dimension (or trace) onto what we really want to say.

Which is?

We are a rough dreamer who ran away with the library when it came through town. 

Are you trying to be funny?

Why? Was it funny?

Sites in Use


Real is not real. So if there is a reality it’s like greater than the sum of any observable parts. Not real is kinda the real, but not if it feels that way. If someone tells you, “oh I have reality right here” or if the unreal starts to feel real, then everyone has gone too far. The unreal must be fresh and fun (like “just playing around — don’t know what anything is”) as it is with the “members” of Party-001. Really.

Unité Services

Khalil Berro

Nastia Bessarabova

Graphic Design

Clara Gómez
Next House Over
Salome Perroton
Ridge Chin
Rebecca Wilkinson
Ricardo Báez


The Matta Museum
Jordan Core
Waste Store London
Alysha Lee
Pablo Genoux
Jonathan Poirier

& Design

Ludvig Perés
Mor Shauli
Arch & Krach
Adrian Wong
Martín Rojas Ortiz


Cam Champ
Bruno Claro
Sofia Lai
Charlotte Walter
Danielle Liberman
Nick D’Alessandro


Félice Knol
Alexander James Thomas
Sina Taherkhani
Atso Airola
João Lutz
Rein De Wilde

Shops on Cargo

AIS Stitched Denim Shorts
Paper and Ink
Small Editions
5 Prose Fictions
AQ Halfmoon Bag
Adriana Quaiser
Another Life
Navigatio Press



An offering of pieces and projects
from around the web


Each week we consult both the Tarot and the I Ching.
To submit your own question,
send an email to oracle@cargo.site

Queen of Wands (reversed)
23. Splitting Apart

These first few lines are the general aphoristic returns for the week. They are raw and uninterpreted; there to use how you’d like. (The specific readings follow.)

  • Relatively speaking, you know your spiritual beliefs — your laziness is insulting them.
  • In dark times work on yourself in private.

* * *

From “M.S.”: We are a rather intense person, very analytical, constantly having to service many “hungry ghosts.” When we get overwhelmed an ascetic, simpler life always seems so attractive — but what if we simply can't function simply?

* * *

Are all things fit for all things? Hardly. Types be many on this island of earth. Context! Some things thrive in the smashing waters of rocky coasts. Some things rhythmically toil in the quietude of deep caves. Some things change to change. Some things change to stay the same. 

You must accept your requisite gear and tendency. Then, in the background (or under foot) see the great wide-based mountain. It has something like tranquility. We think meditating on the relation between your situation and this barely moving mega mound will be your answer/task.

* * *
Complete Reading

This week we pulled the Queen of Wands (reversed). Wands are associated with spiritual energy/outlook that inform one’s behavior — like whether you are a cosmic fatalist or are more open to positive outcomes (also wands are connected to fire). Queens should bring to mind self alignment — knowing what you are and what you deserve and what you want. In combination, being properly connected and responsible with your spiritual beliefs/sense-of-self. When the card is reversed as it is here, all the above is present but there is a risk of overdoing — like being austere instead of justly economical, or being jealous instead of simply being aware and confident.

There were no changes this week, therefore only one hexagram: 23, Splitting Apart. Rather than saying that fortuitous and unfortuitous moments are wholly random, the I Ching takes the perspective that changes to fortune are regular — so not really random at all. That is, one knows that changes are always coming — the important thing would be the attitude one develops to deal with them. Specifically the time alluded to with this hexagram is one where the superlative person is completely outnumbered by terrible, dishonest people — and almost no positive gains can be had. But this isn’t true, you can always work on yourself.