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May 07 ’24
A far off bell rings.
A nearby phone dings.
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Different dimensions, objects and scales abut each other everywhere.
Infinite complex systems are endlessly interacting, cleaving, huddling, fragmenting, binding, scattering, organizing, altering into finer or more general complexity.
The human drama [language, histories, endless two-way interdependencies (human ↔ human, human ↔ non-human-inanimate, human ↔ non-human-animate), etc.] is somewhere within these roiling reaction-diffusions — and are of course themselves a swirl of interacting complex systems.
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The interaction of complex systems cause unforeseen consequences; dogmas (some scientific, some religious, some individualistic) pretend they don’t.
Also to be wary and aware of: pre-dogmas (they are rife!).
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Everything is easy to detail as wrong — because everything is wrong. To “know” is to contextualize and separate. That which is contextualized and separated —is by definition not universal.
So, for us, “to know” is to lie — but to participate is beauty — active loving wrongness, constant revision (and some preservation).
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Sites in Use
The presence of the human hand, on designer Ilka Gilvesy’s site, is well received. That is, to see the folds, the scribbles, the collaged, pasted and placed, in digital environs, is sweet and strong. As well, lovely Ray Johnson and Ossie Clark’s diary vibes.
Graphic Design
& Design
Shops on Cargo
Six Chairs Books
Six Chairs Books
Espíritu Club
La Nausée
The Wooden Boatshop
Mega Press
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Phantom (1805)
Claire Lehmann at Bel Ami (2024)
Sophie Calle, Double Blind (1996)
Masayoshi Obata, Organ House (1993)
Lad Musician, Fall/ Winter (1999-00)
37. The Family [The Clan]
These first few lines are the general aphoristic returns for the week. They are raw and uninterpreted; there to use how you’d like. (The specific readings follow.)
- You are a smaller process in a universe of inconceivably larger processes.
- When appropriate retreat is strength.
- Without inner, loving organization, exterior organization is almost impossible (thus, order within, radiating outwards).
- One’s words must be supported by one’s entire conduct. If words and conduct are not in accord and not consistent, they will have no effect.
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From “M.S.”: Need some advice regarding how to live in a time that seems dominated by masses of corporately manipulated/generated, messianic, unsubtle, sophomoric people (left, right or otherwise). All we encounter seem either like some sort of no-blinking-too-much-whites-of-their-eyes cult followers or full on steel-plate-behind-their-face-sociopath bullies (“bullies” being those that despise sensitivity, subtly, and curiosity — wanting to replace them with controlled chaos). Also, not necessarily saying that this is the worst of times or that this is unique to our times, just that it is occurring and that it makes it difficult to connect with the beautiful side/facet(s) of humanity/life.
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You are a subsidiary element amidst unimaginable processes. You are over focussed on the veils and the surfaces at your scale. It is both a dangerous and beautiful world — and it is not stable. You must accept this truth. You must connect with the indifference of the process and your own will within it.
Make a temple in your interior. Your conscious mind would be something like the surface area of the temple’s holy mantle. On this small plane see the patterns of past tears, fixations, angry blows, laughter, indifference, objectivities, subjectivities, unconsciousness and idleness. If you do so, you will see these patterns and idiosyncrasies everywhere. You will be better for yourself and the world with this type of perception — though it is not easy.
It is not a process of letting go, but of engaging. Get busy.
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Complete ReadingThis week we pulled the High Priestess. This is the querent’s answer to all questions. This card symbolizes the right connection to the mystery that is everything. It is in accordance with this card that the confused querent becomes devoted aspirant. It is an intimation to relinquish oneself to the notion that they are a smaller process in a larger process (this is not a giving up, but ultimate engagement).
Our first hexagram this week is #33, Retreat. If success is not an option, persisting would be a loss. In this case it is wise to take oneself out of the equation — to wait for a more favorable time, to recalibrate, to train or to prepare oneself for another attempt. Appropriately retreating is strength. Also, “the superior person shows strength in that they bring the inferior person to a standstill, by dignified reserve.”
There were two changes this week, of which the specific notes are: if one is very close to the party they are retreating from, it is a very sensitive situation, do not be dramatic or even very visible with this type of retreat. Also, appropriate retreat should, like all actions, have some light heartedness to it (because you see the bigger picture).
Our second hexagram, the one that suggests how best to meet the challenges (or the changes) is #37, The Family (The Clan). The metaphor here is the health and order of the family. That is, a sound basis for any project is order within, radiating outwards. Without inner, loving organization, exterior is almost impossible. As well: “...the influence on others must proceed from one’s own person. In order to be capable of producing such an influence, one’s words must have power, and this they can have only if they are based on something real, just as flame depends on its fuel. Words have influence only when they are pertinent and clearly related to definite circumstances. General discourses and admonitions have no effect whatsoever. Furthermore, the words must be supported by one’s entire conduct... if words and conduct are not in accord and not consistent, they will have no effect.”