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March 19 ’24
A faint jingling.
A jester with a white-ish grey skull face is walking aimlessly in a field. The bell tipped points of his mottled, gold satin cap bounce with each step. He looks mildly befuddled beneath the churning, brown, post-suburban, William Turner-esque sky.
He holds a bong in one hand and a scepter-like, half-eaten, Slim Jim in the other. The bong is a yellow transparent tube with a white-ish grey, skull-faced jester shaped water chamber, at the bottom. The upper half of a baggy deep purple track suit drapes his stooped shoulders; on his right chest is a patch that reads “Sicko.” His giant stained jeans are inside out; the dirty, once white pockets exposed.
He doesn’t appear to have eyelids, just featureless, black dots floating amidst yellow, red veined orbs.
Out of a mouth dominated by a severe underbite he’s muttering some sort of mantra. It sounds like “Sticky icky, ATM bitch. Sticky icky, ATM bitch. Sticky icky, ATM bitch.” It drones out of him continuously.
His gait and shoulders subtly dance in tune with the syllables.
On his feet are fuzzy slides which look to be made of actual animal fur, little dingy squirrel or rat pelts.
Attached to the back of each slide drags a wallet on a chain — one of red sparkled leather the other, green. As each wallet drags through the short dead grass they create small eddies that swirl into moaning baleful faces, then disperse.
From somewhere above a kind of angelic voice is heard: “Your total is $6.66 please pull up to the first window.” The jester with the white-ish grey skull face looks up and then behind him, his bells jingle confusedly. Not finding the source of the communication he shakes his head and lightly shrugs with ingrained frustration.
He mutters a short, tight “fuck you bitches” to no one (that can be seen), spits a dark green glob into the vapory dead grass, and shuffle bounces on his way — continuing his mantra.
Sites in Use
There is a section of the book “À rebours” by JK Huysmans where his reclusive, extreme dandy character “Des Esseintes” talks of a new twist to his obsession with flowers: “but now he dreamt of planning a different kind of flora. After having artificial flowers that imitated real ones, he now wanted real flowers that mimicked artificial ones.” Des Esseintes was created by Huysmans as a caustic foil to what he felt to be the naive artistic realism popular during his time. Feeling that rather than depicting anything accurately, realism in its sanctimonious unembellished depictions of life, removed its most important aspect: life’s bizarre, mysterious, general exceptionalness. Though it seems that artist Paola Siri Renard has little in common with Des Esseintes, her similar strategy to enhance and heighten the techniques of flora and fauna (its symmetries and mechanisms) to show a greater truth, immediately brought the lovely character of Des Esseintes to mind.
Graphic Design
& Design
Shops on Cargo
Latin Square III
Theresa Hattinger
Theresa Hattinger
Portal Press
No One Magazine
Chin Wai San
Matthew Arnold, To Marguerite: Continued (1852)
Nika Kutateladze at Modern Art (2024)
Yoshimitsu Morita, Haru (1996)
Stephen Shore at 303 Gallery (2003)
Christopher Nemeth, Hard Work (1994)
64. Before Completion
These first few lines are the general aphoristic returns for the week. They are raw and uninterpreted; there to use how you’d like. (The specific readings follow.)
- Be careful that generosity doesn’t turn into overindulgence or munificence.
- In order to handle external forces properly, we must above all arrive at the correct standpoint ourselves.
- In times before a process is coming to an end, deliberation and caution are the prerequisites of success.
* * *
From “R.S”: Could I be given some wisdom… some counsel on this confrontation I’m to be involved in — confronting someone that is the source of much discomfort for a group. But it’s one of those people that no one has expressed this to because they are, at times, a terrifying and a manipulative bully. Also, you never know you’ve been manipulated, except retrospectively. And my nature is so understanding of the bully… There’s a reason for this shield of defense… But it needs to stop. Is it my place to confront? Or is it my place to shhhh… Or is there some weird 3rd thing.
I am experiencing excitement for the expansion and growth to engage with it, but simultaneously fear I’m having a fantasy that my POV will be well received by the conflicting parties lol.
* * *
It is likely that you are the Queen of Pentacles — one who both meditates and shares. That is, one who benevolently participates — genuinely wanting solid outcomes. In short, you are intelligent and responsible. But caution: all strong intentions and superlative talents are only half of a very, very sharp two-sided sword; thus you must be vigilant and conscientious the whole way through, otherwise you will cut disastrously as you withdraw.
The advice is very clear: the situation with the bully can be corrected — so you should confront them. But there are specifics. You must be kind hearted the whole way through — it will not be easy — you have to be mature and thorough — almost like forever (meaning it will be a significant change for you as well as the oppressor).
The most important time will not be the confrontation itself, but the preparation and just after. First you will need to reconcile your own issues (and standpoints) whilst trying to deeply understand how this aggressor ended up this way (there was a note about mother issues...). After, your gentle, intelligent, commitment (thoroughness) will be the thing that carries the change through to completion.
Preparation, follow-through and personal transformation. Preparation, follow-through and personal transformation. Preparation, follow-through and personal transformation... ... ...
There were some specific notions in the “lines” section of the first hexagram. We’re including them as they may bring more detail regarding your endeavor:
“This shows the situation of someone too weak to take measures against decay that has its roots in the past and is just beginning to manifest itself. It is allowed to run its course. If this continues, humiliation will result.”
“This refers to mistakes that as a result of weakness have brought about decay—hence the symbol, what has been spoiled by the mother. In setting things right in such a case, a certain gentle consideration is called for. In order not to wound, one should not attempt to proceed too drastically.”
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Complete Reading
This week we pulled the Queen of Pentacles. The personage intimated here is mindful, thoughtful and generous with the fruits of their findings. A person whose power and sensitivity is matched by strong practicality (a lovely combination to be sure). However, people such as this must be on guard — as their articulate generosity can turn into overindulgence or munificence (anyone who gives more than they have, is a thief.)
Our first hexagram this week is #18, Work On What Has Been Spoiled
(Decay). Something has gone off but it can thus should be righted: “What has been spoiled through a person’s fault can be made good again through a person’s work. It is not immutable fate.” The advice as to how this improvement is to be accomplished follows: “We must first know the causes of corruption before we can do away with them... Then we must see to it that the new way is safely entered upon, so that a relapse may be avoided; therefore we must pay attention to the time after the start. Decisiveness and energy must take the place of inertia and indifference that have led to decay, in order that the ending may be followed by a new beginning.” The cause of the decay (the negative situation) is called out as “inertia and indifference” and one must fight these states with “decisiveness” and “energy.”
There were two changes this week, of which the specific notes are: the addressing of a personal weakness is going to be necessary for making any improvements/change as well gentleness will also be required when dealing with others (as regards said changes).
Our second hexagram, the one that suggests how best to meet the challenges (or the changes) is #64, Before Completion. The hexagram relates a kind of transcendental process for properly concluding a desired change. “If we wish to achieve an effect, we must first investigate the nature of the forces in question and ascertain their proper place. If we can bring these forces to bear in the right place, they will have the desired effect and completion will be achieved. But in order to handle external forces properly, we must above all arrive at the correct standpoint ourselves, for only from this vantage can we work correctly… Accordingly, in times before completion, deliberation and caution are the prerequisites of success.” “The conditions are difficult. The task is great and full of responsibility… it is nothing less than that of leading the world out of confusion back to order… deliberation and caution are the prerequisites of success.”