
February 27 ’24

Super Quiz #666

Question #1
   a. nonexistence
   b. particle existence (like ingredients before baking)
   c. stray seeds, stray fertilizers
   d. wandering souls/spirits
   e. drifting life forces
   f. bodiless, but something

Question #2
   a. intentional constructions 
   b. chance constructions 
   c. serendipitous constructions 
   d. calamitous constructions 

Question #3
   a. a kind of cohesion
   b. a kind of reconstitution 
   c. a kind of arrival
   d. a kind of monstrosity
   e. a nonsensical mysterious living unity
   f. all of the above

Question #4
   a. alongside a larger purpose
   b. at the center of a specific purpose
   c. just moving/agitated matter

Question #5
   a. directional/linear 
   b. all in one spot, simultaneous
   c. one thing
   d. many things

Question #6
willful affect
   b. illusory agency

Question #7
   a. possibility
   b. no possibilities
c. doesn’t matter

Question #8
   a. it can be said
   b. it is unsayable
c. saying is a kind of genesis outside intention

Extra credit: boundless “not knowing” as primary sigil

Sites in Use

Sapir Ziv

A glyph: a singular stoppage at the terminus of a vanishing point of meaning/intention. Of course, all reduction is a pretend/artificial essence, as all mediums, all carriers of signification, are impure and proxy, whether singular (a letter) or multiple (like a sentence). But it seems that they are best utilized in diverse concert, as it is here with designer Sapir Ziv’s graphic dynamism. 


Clube Nacional

Sean Davidson

Graphic Design

Latoya Hauginata Breu
Chiara Chiavazza
Veronika Valtonen
Jordy Kuster
Heena Chung
Mélanie Cot


Simon Grundtner
Teanne Vickers
Alexander Nijhoff
Renate Ariadne
Bernadette Van-Huy

& Design

Frederik Fialin
Francesco Faccin
Bastian Gehbauer


Claire Kiester
Charlotte G. Chin Greene
Zofia Skoroszewska
Ethan Kirby
Flux Projects


Amy Li
Harm van de Poel
Hannah Ackroyd
Kristina Shakht

Shops on Cargo

Déjà-Vu no.4
In Form Library
Snake Pattern V-Neck...
Inside-Out Double Breasted...
La Nausée
Movimientos de un monumento
Sed Editorial
Fertile Future Volume II
Architectural Affairs


An offering of pieces and projects
from around the web


Each week we consult both the Tarot and the I Ching.
To submit your own question,
send an email to oracle@cargo.site

Seven of Coins
7. The Army
59. Dispersion [Dissolution]

These first few lines are the general aphoristic returns for the week. They are raw and uninterpreted; there to use how you’d like. (The specific readings follow.)

  • Persevere with dignity and you will succeed.
  • Be careful not to use inherent powers in anger or vengeance — catastrophe will result.
  • Without discipline nothing can be accomplished, but discipline not arrived at by force, but by an awakening of enthusiasm.
  • Sincerely engage the mystical aspect of your existence.
  • Crumble your fearful, self centered mask.

* * *

From “M.S.”: We believe that transparency, vulnerability and an inquisitive spirit are at the heart of healthy, progressive and strengthening behavior — but one exists in The Market and various Societies which are places that primarily employ immediate/phony confidence to make “gains” — how is one to navigate such a war of opposites and keep the wolves away from the door and work on longer term satisfaction/health (mental and physical)?

* * *

You must persevere. This is a constant return from the oracle — especially as regards your type of question (that is, how to deal with difficult people or scenarios that pull you away from your dearest, most dignified goals).

Religion may be ridiculous dogma and generally hypocritical, but respecting, engaging and devoting oneself significantly to a spiritual/mystical/beyond-comprehension aspect of existence is absolutely necessary.

Be very careful of using a personal strength for anything but a noble end. Using a power to vanquish others is foolishness of the deepest magnitude. 

A passionate goal should yield a kind of natural discipline — amplify or engage this energy whenever possible. 

* * *

Complete Reading

This week we pulled the Seven of Pentacles. The suit of pentacles (also known as coins) deals with aspects like money matters, practical wealth and security. The image displays a personage leaning on a spade or hoe looking at a shrub — seven pentacles are depicted as fruits. The person seems to be admiring the results of their labor. The implication: one’s work will bear fruit, as long as they persevere.

Our first hexagram this week is #7, The Army. The rallying of forces is necessary to enact significant change but is also dangerous, as the momentum and result of misused violence/intensity can be catastrophic (deeper enmity of the counterforce, damage to life/resources, and/or general confusion).  As well, “without strict discipline nothing can be accomplished, but this discipline must not be achieved by force. It requires a strong person who captures the hearts of the people and awakens their enthusiasm.”

There were two changes this week, of which the specific notes are: a required battle should never be allowed to devolve into chaos and divide earnings appropriately and justly not by blind, lazy equality.

Our second hexagram, the one that suggests how best to meet the challenges (or the changes) is #59, Dispersion (Dissolution). The name of this hexagram is a bit misleading, as it is actually about bringing people together; the “dispersion” here is referring to the act of breaking apart (dispersing) the selfish tendencies in humans. Often we are isolated by our recalcitrance and clenching fearfulness — the I Ching states that it is only through group connectivity to metaphysical (or spiritual) concerns that this self-absorption can be positively shattered. Stimulate to union. “Here the subject is the dispersing and dissolving of divisive egotism.” “Through hardness and selfishness the heart grows rigid, and this rigidity leads to separation from all others. Egotism and cupidity isolate humans. Therefore hearts must be seized by a devout emotion.” “But only a person who is free of all selfish ulterior considerations, and who perseveres in justice and steadfastness, is capable of so dissolving the hardness of egotism.” “When a person’s vital energy is dammed up within them… gentleness serves to break up and dissolve the blockage.”