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February 06 ’24
Is anything independent?
No, only multi-layered, immeasurably-macro/immeasurably-micro, whirling, intertwining causality.
Then, because of this transcendentally, indeterminant, interminable, ubiquitous causation — the infinite individual aspects must all be innocent — they themselves having nothing to do with their own occurring?
It would seem so, yes.
And since all human thoughts are of these wildly specific micro-aspects (out of the meta-infinite/micro-infinite fields), then all conceptions must be false? Though, innocently false?
Likely quite right.
And of course these blameless errors innocently cause infinite other innocent sub-errors?
These words here are false then?
Yes, and these ones too.
As well, since our specificity locks us in our own scale, what we conceive of as immensity and cosmically grand may very well be entirely informal, casual even?
It is thoroughly possible.
Anything is possible then?
Yes, but of course not how you’re thinking it.
In any case, what about being hopeful, mystically hopeful, and without belief.
Sure, innocent and in error.
Sites in Use
There are certain colors typically used on pharmaceutical boxes, office supplies, laboratory products — which we find just so gorgeous. Saturated yet milky colors, not at all pastel, just rounded by a touch of paleness — and mostly punctuated with graphic blacks (presumably for legibility).
The refinement of these hues, and their graphic containment, can be found throughout much of the beautiful work by Australian-based designer Ruiying Zeng’s site and work.
Graphic Design
& Design
Shops on Cargo
In Form Library
Raw-Hide Leather Jacket
Angelito Studs
Forever Magazine
Grain Photobooks
Eris Art
Christina Rossetti, A Life's Parallels (1881)
Nicole-Antonia Spagnola at Felix Gaudlitz (2023)
Jonathan Miller, Whistle and I'll Come to You (1968)
Doug Aitken at 303 Gallery (2008)
Christian Lacroix, Spring/ Summer (2000)
These first few lines are the general aphoristic returns for the week. They are raw and uninterpreted; there to use how you’d like. (The specific readings follow.)
- An effort is reaching its goal.
- Foreground the creative above all else.
- Cast out all that is inferior and degrading.
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From “M.S.”: What to do if you are subtle in an unsubtle world? (This is not a self-compliment, but a true dilemma.)
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If ever there was a good reading, this is it.
The efforts of your creativity are on their way towards reaching their intention. You need do nothing else but stay with your impulse to create.
As well, the world is not entirely unsubtle. Those fine of filter and delicate of deployment may neither be dominant nor in any sort of majority, but your peers are out there. It is for yourself and them that you must toil.
Also of note, you have quite a powerful combination here in the numbers of “1” and “8” — the first intimating the solar and the life-giving, the second intimating infinity and a harmonious accord between the macro and micro.
Forgive the possible triteness, but stay the course!
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Complete Reading
This week we pulled the Eight of Wands. The image is of eight flying sticks; they are downward facing, indicating they’re somewhere in the second half of their journey. An effort is reaching its goal.
Our first and only hexagram this week is #1, The Creative. The appearance of this hexagram should be met with excitement. It is perhaps the ultimate statement of the I Ching. “These unbroken lines stand for the primal power, which is light-giving, active, strong, and of the spirit.” “Sublime.” “Success.” “Furthering.” “Perseverance.” “With this image as a model, the sage learns how best to develop themself so that their influence may endure. They must make themself strong in every way, by consciously casting out all that is inferior and degrading. Thus they attain that tirelessness which depends upon consciously limiting the fields of their activity.”