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January 16 ’24
A cluster of large trees is being strobed by a hidden police car. If we didn’t know the source, it would seem festive.
On the kitchen counter, along the long edge of some Camembert cheese, a fly and its shadow are advancing.
The book we are reading tells of a cult so secretive that none of its members are aware of their association — neither the founder nor the acolytes.
Sites in Use
Embroidered decay. Hogarthian dandy droogs. Earth church fuckings. Gypsy zen. Nastya Klychkova is all manner of elaborate and beautiful “D”ifference style-stitched together. 🖤
Graphic Design
& Design
Shops on Cargo
Architectural Affairs
Solent Works
The Wooden Boatshop
Artbook Bookstores
William Wordsworth, Composed on the Banks of a Rocky Stream (1820)
Nathalie Du Pasquier at Galerie Greta Meert (2022)
Pascal Aubier, Le Dormeur (1974)
Juliana Cerqueira, Francesc Ruiz et al at L21 Gallery (2023)
Douglas Sirk, All That Heaven Allows (1955)
36. Darkening of the light
These first few lines are the general aphoristic returns for the week. They are raw and uninterpreted; there to use how you’d like. (The specific readings follow.)
- You must equalize the extremes.
- Do not boast about achievements and don’t wallow in difficulties.
- Generally, aim for modesty, not imposing grandness. The latter hurts people’s feelings and risks creating lasting enmity.
- Don’t lose your nerve.
* * *
From “K.M.”: I don’t know how to change and it is causing an unbearable amount of change. My Saturn return is nearing, but in the interim, my life is becoming increasingly unstable as foundations erode.
* * *
It seems, you are successful in your inability to change. Success in the bad — weird sounding, but true. What is bad for one is good for another (like, a mother coyote feeds her babies with babies from another mother, mice, opossums, etc.). We’ve been to the desert many times where the experience was like yeah the biological/geological interplay is gorgeous, only for it to switch — the whole landscape becoming a place of great pain and meaninglessness. Another way, current pain and confusion — is the foundation for strength and stability later.
Change is not the problem — all is always changing. Clinging is the problem. Belief. Belief that you know what life is supposed to be. We all suffer from this. You have to be open. You have to be transcendentally open and observant.
Don’t lose your nerve.
* * *
Complete Reading
This week we pulled The Six of Wands. Success and the acknowledgment of success. Is it coming? Is it past? Is it present but you are not seeing it? Take some time out this period to think about victory and public praise.
Our first hexagram this week is #15. Modesty. “The destinies of people are subject to immutable laws that must fulfill themselves. But we have the power to shape our fate, whether to expose ourselves to the influence of benevolent or destructive forces.” Modesty is the key here, keeping the above in mind one must strive to equalize all extremes. Extreme endeavors are necessary for individual and group survival, but should be kept as a rare method. If an extreme becomes a norm all outward relation is lost and frictions result.
There was one change this week, of which the specific note is: reduce imposing attitudes so that difficult matters can be settled quickly and easily.
Our second hexagram, the one that suggests how best to meet the challenges (or the changes) is #36, Darkening of the light. “In a time of darkness it is essential to be cautious and reserved.” There are times when a darkness, a sort of malignant cloud, descends up one’s journey. When this happens the best thing to do is maintain your “inner light” (your deepest intentions and talents) and wait for a more favorable circumstance to express them. So, in this interim period, don’t reveal your light but be “outwardly yielding and tractable” but DO secretly protect it and develop it!!