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December 12 ’23
We went ahead knowing it was a mistake.
We went ahead knowing it was a mistake.
We went ahead knowing it was a mistake.
[kernel stack memory corruption detected]
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The hiss and rattle of spray paint, mixed with the barking of boys across a river.
The sparkling tinkle of oars as they leave the water, mixed with the gentle thumping of floating detritus inside the hull of a canoe.
The likely un-smelled smell of a receipt from a rake, purchased to clear up a yard on a Saturday, last Fall.
A can of Diet Coke, being drunk by an employee sitting in the sun, outside a factory, that prints “COEXIST” bumper stickers.
A discarded juicebox that was sipped by the daughter of a guy who works at a Knoxville, Tennessee factory that manufactures cheap knives.
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Those that laugh, conspicuously, loud. Those both blissfully ignorant and kind. Those both blissfully ignorant and cruel. The hellishly aware.
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Ducks in a row literally, ducks in a row figuratively; ducking below a row of pipes on a submarine. Crumbs at the bottom of a bag. A soft forest floor of pine needles. Delivery trucks. Monster trucks. Religious nuts. Walnut shells. The sound in a seashell. People who agree with groups for safety but don’t really agree with anyone at all. Those that regret violence immediately. Those that regret violence in their twilight years. Sociopaths. All the fingernail clippings of all the actors in the Twilight movies. The sound of wrapping paper being torn off a copy of Montesquieu’s Persian Letters. The sound of a letter being opened that reads “Internal Revenue Service — Time Sensitive.” Concrete cracks intermingled with sidewalk gum patterns. The voluntary. The involuntary. Avoidances. Goals. E-signatures as well as shifting sands. Limited scopes that lead to depraved confidence. Unforeseen consequences. The rules of the body. The horror of boundlessness. The mercy of limitation. The near impossibility of communication. The pitiless stares from relative safety. The sound of small waves on a cobblestone beach. The masks of confidence. Whistling woodcocks. Tom of Finland cocks. The filled molar of a hunter, who intentionally missed shooting a deer, but kept it to himself. Capybaras. Candelabras. The phrases top ‘o the mornin’ and please don’t leave me. All sport and spores. Every spider in Montauk in a pile. Ambiguous lists.
Sites in Use
Incidence and specificity surprisingly always lead to general principles (i.e. reaction diffusion) — as it is with the work of artist Paul Barlow. As well, something like the beautiful coalescing of Mandelbrot and Morris Louis.
Graphic Design
& Design
Shops on Cargo
Current Objects
Three Star Books
Three Star Books
La Nauseé
Solent Works
Christian Björk
Alan Licht at the Bowery Poetry Club (2006)
Louise Lawler at Sprüth Magers (2023)
Dorrell Merritt, Suspension (2021)
Amalie Jakobsen at Future Gallery (2023)
Romain Gavras, Easy Pizza Riderz (2002)
52. Keeping Still, Mountain
These first few lines are the general aphoristic returns for the week. They are raw and uninterpreted; there to use how you’d like. (The specific readings follow.)
- Patience and healthy relinquishment is being avoided — this evasion is detrimental to real progress.
- If you struggle and succeed in being intelligent, kind and deep, the public needs you.
- All thinking that goes beyond the immediate situation only makes the heart sore.
- Cultivating calmness helps one to see the great laws of the universe and to act in harmony with them.
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This period there is a general push for cultivating calmness, and then sharing the resulting equanimity.
However, there is resistance to developing this wise-cool-patience.
It is blocking progress. A fear of the future may be the stymying factor here.
Please know that all you can do right now is collect yourself. Then you can... actually no, just focus on sitting and being composed and even.
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Complete Reading
This week we pulled The Hanged Man. When upright there is a suggestion to will change, that is to kind of relinquish oneself to a difficult situation, in the service of eventual betterment. When reversed, as it is here, there is a resistance to this kind of healthy surrender and patience.
Our first hexagram this week is #20, Contemplation (View). This hexagram utilizes two meanings for a single symbol — the first regards the importance of having a broad view, as from a high tower (metaphorically speaking, to be broadly informed). The second points to the act of being seen, as in a tower where a holy person can be seen, contemplating (separate from the fray). It is a kind of statement about leading by example — that is, if you are in possession of rare, wide experience/education (spirituality, politics, science, self-control) it behooves you to be seen; to be a visible example. There were two changes this week, of which the specific notes are: When it comes to the value of self reflection — it is not about our knowledge of the relation of our interior parts but our awareness of our effect on the world.
Our second hexagram, the one that suggests how best to meet the challenges (or the changes) is #52, Keeping Still, Mountain. “When a person has thus become calm, they may turn to the outside world. They no longer see in it the struggle and tumult of individual beings, and therefore have the peace of mind which is needed for understanding the great laws of the universe and for acting in harmony with them. Whoever acts from these deep levels makes no mistakes. The heart thinks constantly. This cannot be changed, but the movements of the heart—that is, a person’s thoughts—should restrict themselves to the immediate situation. All thinking that goes beyond this only makes the heart sore.”