
September 19 ’23

All things are fibrously connected. 

Not that all things are connected to all things (eventually, perhaps?) but the way in which something reaches or prompts something else, is by many seen and mostly unseen, strands, strings, hairs, or micro-connections of causality.

We’re talking here of all that happens, and has occurred, to produce a sunbeam or the movement of a human hand. The interrelation and interplay of forces and matter over billions of years and the billions of performative events within a single second. As well, each human body itself is a host to biomes and galaxies of atoms and just tons of memes and genes, all of which have been caused by interconnections of threads to inifinite other biomes, galaxies of atoms and incalculable memes and genes.

(“Fibers” here, is used both literally and figuratively.)

Also, somewhat preliminarily, it makes sense to say something about scale. Adjectives like “thin” or “thick” (as relates to these fibers) are
 contextual — what might be considered thin to a galaxy is an entirety to something else.

* * *

The method, composition and character of these fibers — of course are infinitely varied. They can be fine like silk worm’s silk. Chunky like those conduits in Peter Halley’s paintings. Vaporous. Rubbery. Prone to cracking like glass — or simply, glass itself. They could be made of photons, words, sentences, systems of hugs or handshakes, proteins, biases or expectations, electrons over a circuit path, or tree bark textures. Or quantumly(?) simultaneous occurences where great distances are no distance at all. They might occur once every year on a holiday or crawl out of the ground every seventeen.

As well, these procreant, performative fibers vary in nature and purpose. Some deliver nutrients. Some drain resources to the dregs. Others anesthetize. Some erase. Some fibers occur once and disappear. Most are not fit to be described by words or even to be understood by human-type consciousness at all. 

* * *

Therefore, if it’s true that this world (and all the rest of it) is a transcendental interchange of cause and effect, that is, that the most regular of actions have been caused by and will in turn affect a wild amount of things through innumerable casual tendrils and fibrous forces — it means that most causes and effects are unseen, impossible to be seen or are completely inscrutable — so.... where does everyone get their confidence from? 

So few tread lightly with partial data.

So few ever seem to care about unforeseen consequences.

So many have such simplistic but rigid conviction about the most complex matters.

To us this pervasive self assurance is vulgar and puerile.

Cargo 3 Update

A primary intention in the development of Cargo 3 was to find ways to get you to the “design phase” faster — like here, with a bunch of quickly copy/paste-able textual elements. 

Sites in Use

Omid Aghdami

Here something like a migration from Alphaville. The subjects of photographer and director Omid Aghdami seem to be transitioning from Godard’s croaky neo-noir dystopia into Jeff VanderMeer’s Area X —with Yoko Ogawa-ian memory police messing up recall of the entire situation.

Yasemin Sarıhan

Diego Diapolo

Rohan Hutchinson

Graphic Design

Rida Abbasi
Alice Moretto
Jayson Payne
Studio Matauko
Eva Poteloin
Tom Speirs


Amy Li
Renate Ariadne
Silver Sphinx
Bernadette Van-Huy


& Design

MAryam Touzani
Hannah Claydon
Willem A. Stibol
Gérald Lajoie-Restrepo


Shiqing Chen
Rohan Hutchinson
Cléo Sjölander
Simon Job
Blank Projects


Magnus Holmes
Mirielle Alina Rohr
Molly Johnson
Hora Lunga
Jiayi Yu
Louise Degraeve

Shops on Cargo

Touch Response
Earrings Bold Yellow
Artisanal ‘Chicago Cubs’ Crewneck Bag
La Nauseé
“I am Aurore Colbert” said Marie Mons
Marie Mons
Flawless, Seamless
Flower Serving Dome
Vanguard Discard


An offering of pieces and projects
                from around the web            


Each week we consult both the Tarot and the I Ching.
To submit your own question,
send an email to oracle@cargo.site

Page of Cups
54. The Marrying Maiden
56. The Wanderer

These first few lines are the general aphoristic returns for the week. They are raw and uninterpreted; there to use how you’d like. (The specific readings follow.)

  • Contemplate being at play with the beautiful aspects of change.
  • Promote a lovely transformation.
  • To navigate the vicissitudes of life “fix on an end that endures.”
  • “Life itself is an exile. The way home is not the way back.”
  • Consider being like the Luohan.
  • When you are an outsider do not be “gruff or overbearing.”
  • Leadership is often performed from lower ranks, not at the top.
  • Maintain loyalty even in loneliness. 
  • Not all joys or gains are received in the usual ways (be flexible).

* * *

From “Two People at Cargo”: The following is regarding the subject of communication generally, that is the attempt to make one’s idea(s) understood by another person. The two of us have quite differing methods of conveying thoughts/information. One relies on action over time — whilst the other is radically verbose and in the moment. We find sincere limitations/benefits with each. The latter can test a persons capacity and patience (but on occasion can really make something land, in real time). The former, when effective, can do so with genuine load stone solidity (but when ineffective it can be perceived as coldness and impenetrability).

We guess the question could be boiled down to: personal methods/skill cut both ways — a personal hangup is often also a huge personal advantage/skill. Does the oracle have any advice for minimizing the canceling effect of the negative end of an overdeveloped method/skill?

Do not allow yourselves to simply be carried along — whether you have a fiery, loquacious nature or whether you are more rhythmically inclined. Both parties should fix themselves to “an end that endures” — eternal vigilance and whatnot.

We’ve mentioned this before, but consider the Luohan’s gaze. It is committed (seemingly focused on a dignified end or emptiness). There is lightness within the commitment here, though. If we had to say the mouth and expression walks a razor’s edge between a frown and a smile — to us it seems a micro-measurement more toward a smile. 

Consider being like the Luohan.

* * *

Complete Reading

This week we pulled the Page of Cups. Youthfulness, aqueousness, and buoyancy are aspects here; think constructive transition. Consider or contemplate being at play with the beautiful aspects of change.

Our first hexagram this week is #54, The Marrying Maiden. Here the subject is of new relations. It is said that a fresh association should not focus on upending long-standing structures but concentrate on trying to see the situation as a whole — through respectful and kind listening/learning. This modesty should not be merely deferential but be performed with sincere, long term, personal goals. Affection is the greatest tool on the road to long term happiness (with the self, with a partner, or with a project). If we permit ourselves to drift along, we come together and are parted again as the day may determine. If on the other hand a person fixes their mind on an end that endures, they will succeed in avoiding the reefs that confront the closer relationships of people.” 

There were for changes this week, of which the specific notes are: leadership is often performed from lower ranks — hidden, smaller levers that move the larger elements. Maintain loyalty even in loneliness. Not all joys or gains are received in the usual ways.
Our second hexagram, the one that suggests how best to meet the challenges (or the changes) is #56, The Wanderer. “Life itself is an exile. The way home is not the way back.” This hexagram is all about keeping it light — particularly when one is (as we all are most of the time) a snail between shells. When you are searching, persevere intently but don’t get caught up. Don’t strike up a relationship (with an idea, object or person) until you are sure it is what you are looking for. “When a person is a wanderer and stranger, they should not be gruff nor overbearing. They have no large circle of acquaintances, therefore they should not give themself airs. They must be cautious and reserved; in this way they protect themself from evil. If one is obliging toward others, they win success.”