
July 18 ’23

Up in the foothills

just shy of the people-less areas,

some friends have a wide concrete and stone wall,

behind which is a gigantic, thriving thicket of lavender. 

In the Spring and Summer it is full of bees.

A few times, for a few brief moments, we have sat on the wall 

in radiating summer sunlight, alone.

The drone of the bees in our ear


the drone of the sun on our skin

is perfect. 

Sites in Use

LĂ©o Segonds

When one considers themself (as we do) to be completely preoccupied with meaning, it also means that a deep meaninglessness is simultaneously, and involuntarily, at play. When a feeling tips into the latter zone we find two aesthetic techniques aid in integrating the discomfort of uncertainty: concentrating on ambiguity and surface (as opposed to essence). This is why we like so much of Léo Segond’s output — surface and ambiguity are sensually employed. 

Nerea de Lezana

Lucas Kröeff

Kyoko Takemura

Graphic Design

Orysia Zabeida
George Davis-Ansted
Alex Del Fresno
Clara GrĂ cia
Jihee Lee
Wang Zhihong


Raphaël Matieu
Mitch Zachary
André Iosolini
Anna Maconi
Clara Stote

& Design

Didier Faustino
Pedro Magnasco
Daniel Nikolovski
Sho Ota


Jonah Pontzer
Buck Ellison
Angéline Girard
Same Paper
Marie Déhé


Charlie Hillhouse
Sasha Marro
Simon Hampikian
Pegasus Projects
Domingo Nardulli
Adali Schell

Shops on Cargo

1999 Hyper Quartz CD
Atlas menor #03
Trolly Zine
Pasted Mind Design
SHP 15
Proyecto Hemen
Current Objects


An offering of pieces and projects
                from around the web            


Each week we consult both the Tarot and the I Ching.
To submit your own question,
send an email to oracle@cargo.site

The Magician
32. Duration
50. The Caldron

These first few lines are the general aphoristic returns for the week. They are raw and uninterpreted; there to use how you’d like. (The specific readings follow.)

  • avoid restlessness; strive to attain inner composure
  • look to replace fear with a wide unquenchable curiosity, join the “culture of aspiration”
  • develop as a person by engaging as many aspects of life as possible
  • unite belief and doubt — doubt only to service your belief, and believe only to mark the borders of doubt
  • strength in duration should be your goal — “duration” is an integrated movement in accordance with beginnings, endings, and renewals
  • nothing is an isolated phenomenon 

* * *

From “D.S.”: My spouse and I are expecting our first child. I am worried about simultaneously addressing/balancing the needs of my wife, our baby and myself. Any advice/forethought here would be very welcome.

It is impossible to know if life is a meaningful flow or just anarchic emergence. As well, the world has gone through innumerable ridiculously massive changes — a few billion years ago, only single celled organisms — about 200 million years back, giant lizards... And as for the future... digital migration? Barren wastes? Who knows?

So what can be said of how to conduct oneself in such protean dynamism?

Well, at this scale, there is much that is relatively consistent (even predictably rhythmic): lungs breathe air, water is needed, food is chewed and utilized — and obviously, as well, there are clear limitations to our bodies and senses: we can’t withstand falls from great heights, our memories fade and are preserved with constancy, and generally, a dependable, abstract unquenchable pulse of desire pings/pushes all of us into all manner of action, etc., etc., etc.. 

We say this as a kind of preamble to what seems to be the reply to your query.

* * *

One can (and should) be strong (tactfully sensitive and intelligent) even with only relative certainty.

Everything in the reading relates to the pursuance of understanding (then embodying) a wholeness, that is, pursuing cognizance of wide, long term, fundamental, interconnectedness. 

Be the magician; be light and smart and strong and interested. Don’t allow yourself to be suceptible to the phantom paths whipped up by topicality and personal specificity. 

Engage duration — live knowing that much is unforeseeable but much can be counted on (good and bad). There are cycles within this transcendental impermanence.

And, be like the cauldron for your family — a sturdy pot of nourishment, a life giving container made by your boundaries, in opposition to the inscrutable webs of outward interrelation.

Complete Reading

This week we pulled the Magician. “The suggestion throughout is therefore the possession and communication of the Powers and Gifts of the Spirit... the culture of aspiration.” “This card signifies... the unity of individual being on all planes, and in a very high sense it is thought, in the fixation thereof.” “The act of aspiration becoming will becoming action to unite all planes of existence and understanding.” 

Our first hexagram this week is #32, Duration. “Duration is a state whose movement is not worn down by hindrances.” “Duration is rather the self–contained and therefore self–renewing movement of an organized, firmly integrated whole, taking place in accordance with immutable laws and beginning anew at every ending.” “The dedicated person embodies an enduring meaning in their way of life, and thereby the world is formed. In that which gives things their duration, we can come to understand the nature of all beings in heaven and on earth.” There was one change this week, of which the specific notes are: strive to attain inner composure; restlessness is dangerous for a person in a position of authority.

Our second hexagram, the one that suggests how best to meet the challenges (or the changes) is #50, The Caldron. Here we have a quite beautiful metaphor. First there is the caldron (the tool/container/boundary that nourishes) but it is shown that the caldron is not an isolated phenomenon — there is the wood below which provides the fuel, and above that, the fire which provides the heat for cooking, then obviously, the caldron, which marries by limitation, the food and heat and food substance... and then there’s the air/oxygen for the fire to burn... and the sun above all to grow the wood... So yes, nourishment is not a solitary condition.