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June 20 ’23
And, of course, one is never sure whether it is something external or personal that connects an emotion to an object or place — or even whether one is experiencing an apophenic episode. All we can say is that over the weekend, for a 20 minute stretch, we experienced a section of American road so surprising in its sadness, humor, normality and decrepitude — that we had to pull over and walk it — compelled to mingle figure with ground.
over-hedged Best Western
bricky, fortified Good Will
a patch of park, repellent, for its scruffy tidiness
featureless sedans everywhere, like random ants
 all the while, a gray sky trying to turn over like a gray tortoise on its back
but mostly... signs
soppy signs
lazily beckoning signs
rotting, chipping signs
forgotten signs bleaching slowly
new fangled, last stitch, LED signs
a history of signsÂ
“American Motel”
“El Rio Motel”
“Scarantino’s Inn”
“Hair Concepts by Jay Perez”
“FU House”
“The Document People”
“Kokos Hair Cut”
“Ship Shoppe”
“Inventors Support Center”
On the side of the Tropical Fish store an indeterminant man was smoking a cigarette; he was dressed like a poorly dressed child. We made uncomfortable eye contact. It grounded us out of our unconscious cruising.bricky, fortified Good Will
a patch of park, repellent, for its scruffy tidiness
featureless sedans everywhere, like random ants
 all the while, a gray sky trying to turn over like a gray tortoise on its back
but mostly... signs
soppy signs
lazily beckoning signs
rotting, chipping signs
forgotten signs bleaching slowly
new fangled, last stitch, LED signs
a history of signsÂ
“American Motel”
“El Rio Motel”
“Scarantino’s Inn”
“Hair Concepts by Jay Perez”
“FU House”
“The Document People”
“Kokos Hair Cut”
“Ship Shoppe”
“Inventors Support Center”
Sites in Use
At some point when we were younger we discovered Kevin Ayers. It was kind of the first time we remember really wanting to know all the creative output connected to a single person — all his albums, all the bands he played with, all the music he was connected to... From then on we developed a sense and a desire to see, creative people, and creative work, collected in full, as it is here, with Nathan Cilona.
It is happy work for us to facilitate the overview(s) of artistic endeavors.Â
Graphic Design
& Design
Shops on Cargo
Sunnyside Toad
Brandon Ong-Sy
Eileen Myles, Rotting Symbols (1997)
Jean Nouvel, Hotel Saint-James (1989)
Harry Hurwitz, Fleshtone (1994)
Rajdar Coll-Part, Electrical Deckchair (1990)
Comme des Garçons, Spring/ Summer (2002)
8. Holding Together [Union]
These first few lines are the general aphoristic returns for the week. They are raw and uninterpreted; there to use how you’d like. (The specific readings follow.)
- be careful of confusion and confidence born of vaguery
- support those that are selfless
- prepare for the unexpected by practicing diversity of method
- unity needs common purpose
* * *
From “M.S.”: Can a medium (a technology) truly be without a message? Like can a form have no content?
Human cognition consists primarily of pattern recall and demarcations of difference. Therefore, our ability to discern, and hold, the simultaneity of differing aspects of any situation is impossible. The question itself carries the conundrum/aporia.Â
Though the above point is likely not totally in the spirit of the question.Â
If the question is more towards whether the intention of a technology can arrive to a user/consumer in a pure unintentioned state, the oracle’s answer would be no. The conditions of creation is the creation. If this is not apparent then genesis has been cloaked.Â
For a technology to be ready for open use (rather than being another cloaked method of control) diversity of outcome must be part and parcel to the originary purpose. If the querent is implying that this is usually the case, the oracle agrees. Most technologies are one-sided, supremely biased towards the maker (profit). For this not to be the case, the maker of a technology must constantly try for selflessness (broad utility).Â
Complete Reading
This week we pulled the Ace of Swords, reversed. The suit of Swords relates to the intellect and reason (as opposed to intuition) — Aces, indicate a potential or latent state. So in combination, the Ace of Swords is an opportunity to predict the path of one’s reason and intellect — to get ahead of over-reasoning or develop a sensical picture of how to move forward. However, since the card is reversed, it is less an encouragement to engage one’s cerebral powers, but a warning against confusion and confidence born of vaguery.
Our first hexagram this week is #45, Gathering Together (Massing). It is only through a large group, collected by a singularly selfless spirit, that great societal change/works are achieved. The individual must inspire emulation. “Only collective moral force can unite the world. Such great times of unification will leave great achievements behind them.” But there’s a warning and recommendation here: “Human woes usually come as a result of unexpected events against which we are not forearmed. If we are prepared, they can be prevented.” Before involving yourself in any large scale endeavors, make diversity of method and a flexibility of outcome, ever-present modes. There was one change this week, of which the specific notes are: consider the role of a person that selflessly ushers others towards the actions of a great person (rather than directly being a leader yourself).
Our second hexagram, the one that suggests how best to meet the challenges (or the changes) is #8, Holding Together (Union). For there to be unity there must be a common purpose. “Water flows to unite with water, because all parts of it are subject to the same laws. So too should human society hold together through a community of interests that allows each individual to feel themself a member of a whole.”Â