January 17 ’23

She’s looking down at a pond; it has an iridescent, oily surface. Some catalyst is making it move, probably the light wind. There are a few sticks protruding through the surface. As the layer of oil hits the sticks, small vortices are being introduced. At the outer reaches, the swirls start to lose their identity, becoming part of a larger, harder to follow movement.

Her interest lifts toward the trunk of a large tree. The bark is made up of repetitive but seemingly unique pocks and protrusions. The overall effect is of depressions on a gray textured surface. She touches it affectionately.

Above, through the near and far branches she sees sharp, staccato-curved clouds — rigid in a pool blue sky. The clouds look like tiny curls cut from a toddler’s head, but white. She has a vague memory that cloud formations such as these are made of ice. 

Looking down at the backs of her hands, she bends and straightens her fingers, watching the creases on her knuckles and fingers disappear and reappear. They remind her of tiny mouths or parentheses.  

Sites in Use

Tim Høibjerg

Previously we had said that one of the chief functions of art is an interruption — a disturbance to the endless flow of basic-ness. We still believe this to be true, but looking at artist Tim Høibjerg’s work it is clear that art also functions as implication — that is, because there is so much that is felt but not at all articulable in human conception, an artist can proffer an implication in form. A gesture that doesn’t cheaply try to explain away the mysterious or unknowable; one that can make, to borrow words from Derrida and Becket (respectively): “species of the non-species” and “wordless things.”


Tyler McFaul

Chengan Xia

Graphic Design

Kirill Gluschenko
Pedro De Sousa
Samira Schneuwly
Lisa Eder
Marceau Jacquin
Matt Avallone


Ana Viktoria Dzinic
Cecilia Thun-Hohenstein
Dian Jiao
Jorre Janssens
Jon Croney
Rallou Stam

& Design

Studio THAA
Violaine Barrois
Jojo Corväiá
John Watts
Federico Floriani


Katrin Bremermann
Sophia Haid
Momo Egli
Marie Reichel
Antoine Lecharny
Midcentury Classical


Gianluca Pantaleo
Lowe H Seger
Justin J Wee
Tayla Nebesky
Luuk Roordink
Paweł Starzec

Shops on Cargo

Nugget Vase
Vanguard Discard
The Four Pillars
Adult Comedy Action Drama
In Form Library
Radioactivity Web Knit
Small Plinth
NJ Roseti
Email for Pricing
A Room of One's Own


An offering of pieces and projects
                from around the web            


Each week we consult both the Tarot and the I Ching.

To submit your own question,
send an email to oracle@cargo.site

The Tower (reversed)
1. The Creative

These first few lines are the general aphoristic returns for the week. They are raw and uninterpreted; there to use how you’d like. (The specific readings follow.)

  • take stock of structural weaknesses 
  • take pains to reinforce existing deficiencies
  • work to cast out all that is inferior and degrading
  • develop a clear and strong rhythm of purpose

* * *

There is a primordial pairing this week: foundational soundness with The Creative (writ large). It is assumed likely that those reading these words are involved in creative acts and endeavors. The following deals with this directly. 

Creation is what it is ALL about, that is, coming into being. For lasting success, or general durability, there is nothing more important than a sound foundation. This is not just about having a great team, or idea(s), or solid financials — it’s bigger than those. It’s having a direct, clear, constant and joyful connection to the REASON why you are doing something. Your foundation, for all your creative acts, must be a clear vision of your purpose. Without a strong, positive rhythm of purpose your acts will be weaker, and likely, vague in execution.

But how do I find my purpose? By simplifying and “consciously casting out all that is inferior and degrading.”

Complete Reading

This week we pulled The Tower (reversed). When encountered upright, the indication is unavoidable disaster, like the poor foundation has finally failed. When inverted, as it comes to us here, the implication is to take stock of structural weaknesses — you can avoid disaster if you take pains to reinforce existing deficiencies, or, if at the beginning of an endeavor, do everything you can to make your base strong.  

There were no changes this week so we only have a single hexagram: #1, The Creative. As we have indicated before this first hexagram is the ultimate statement of the I Ching; it is like a parent to all others. “The first hexagram is made up of six unbroken lines. These unbroken lines stand for the primal power, which is light–giving, active, strong, and of the spirit. The hexagram is consistently strong in character, and since it is without weakness, its essence is power or energy.” This primordial power comes from the “primal depths of the universe.” There are four words that are said to define the hexagram: “sublime, success, furthering, and perseverance”. These are paired with what are termed “the four cardinal virtues in humanity.”  

sublimity → love (“sublimity” is the “fundamental principle” it “embraces all the other attributes” therefore it links love)

success → mores (“these regulate and organize expressions of love and thereby make them successful”)

furthering → justice (this “creates the conditions in which each receives that which accords to their being, that which is due to them and which constitutes their happiness”)  

perseverance → wisdom (this “discerns the immutable laws of all that happens and can therefore bring about enduring conditions”)